Sunday, July 26, 2020


When I was growing up Dad would often take me to the Milton College Library. It was also the Milton Village Library and the village appropriated funds to buy books that would not necessarily otherwise appear in an academic library thus, for example, a children's section. Until the late 1960s the library was located in Whitford Hall on the Milton campus. We moved across the street from the library when I was in 4th grade, c. 1956, and after that I inhabited the place. I read my way though the fiction and history sections. Eventually I was employed to straighten books on the shelves and, in high school, to man the desk in the evenings. I have vivid memories of the place, the stacks, the smell of books, the creaking of the floor, and had a pretty thorough knowledge of its contents. Not long ago I thought to try to find pictures of the interior and Doug Welch of The Milton College Preservation Society came up with this one — well before my time but definitely recognizable.

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