...when putting first things first.
.... Oxford Dictionary defines “procrastinate” this way: “delay or postpone action; put off doing something.” ....Johnmark Camenga, "Holy Procrastination," The Sabbath Recorder, July/August, 2022.
Importantly, Oxford Dictionary goes further in providing some basic etymology explaining that the word is a combined form—taking “pro” which means forward and “crastinus” which means belonging to tomorrow—creating a word that conveys the idea of forwarding that which belongs to tomorrow.
…that which belongs to tomorrow.
After Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 6 that we should seek first His Kingdom and that in doing so all the things we need will be supplied, He says, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
Let’s not pretend that Jesus was talking about procrastination here, but let’s also not pretend that He’s talking about productivity. Instead, what he’s talking about is the importance of trusting him with both the present and the future as we go about dealing with what is in front of us in the moment; that we would deal with today what belongs to today and leave for tomorrow what belongs to tomorrow.
Work? Yes.
Plan? Sure.
But, how much time do we as a culture steal from today by taking on responsibilities that belong to tomorrow?
Holy procrastination, then, is discovered by asking a slightly different question of yourself: why do today that which SHOULD be done tomorrow? ....
I want to commend to you holy procrastination.
It isn’t about laziness; rather, it’s about recognizing the unrelenting trap of productivity and coming to grips with the fact that no matter how much you accomplish tonight, there will be just as much waiting for you in the morning.
It isn’t about a lack of ambition and drive; rather, it’s about measuring your ambition against your blessings and asking yourself if the potential gain is worth the actual cost. .... (more, as a pdf)