Melinda, at Stand to Reason, discusses the inconsistency that many people exhibit when discussing abortion. Her comments are a reaction to Chris Wallace's interview with Rudy Giuliani.
.... Most Americans aren't comfortable with legal abortion in all nine months of pregnancy for any reason. Many Americans have the public/personal distinction Rudy does. .... I have no idea what Wallace's views on abortion are, but he knew the question to ask. Why?Source: Stand to Reason Blog: Why?
Why are you personally against abortion? .... Why? Why ....
By pressing that question we encourage the person to get to the heart of the matter: the status of the unborn. ....
Pressing the question, gently but persistently, can help someone clarify what they really believe about the unborn. It's a rare person who could acknowledge that the unborn is an innocent baby yet believe the law should allow it to be killed.
If the unborn isn't human, then no justification for abortion is necessary and there's no reason to be personally against it. If the unborn is human, then no justification for abortion is adequate and it's not possible to live with the private/public distinction.
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