Via Elizabeth Scalia, Benedict XVI:
The sum of human life does not strike a balance if we omit God; in that case, only contradictions remain. It is not enough, then, to believe somehow theoretically that there is a God; we must regard him as the most important element in our life. he must be everywhere. And our fundamental relationship to him must be love.
That can often be very difficult. It can happen, for instance, that one individual has many illnesses ...poverty makes life difficult for another. Yet a third loses the persons on whose love his whole life depends. ...And there is a great danger that the individual will become embittered and will say: God can certainly not be good; if he were, he would not treat me this way.
Such a revolt against god is very understandable; often it seems almost impossible to accept God’s will. But one who yields to this rebellion poisons his whole life. The poison of saying No, of being angry with God and with the world, corrodes the individual from within.
But what God asks of us is, as it were, an advance of confidence. He says to us: "I know, you don’t understand me yet. But trust me anyway, believe that I am good, and dare to live by this trust." There are many instances of saints and great individuals who dared to trust and, in consequence, found for themselves and for others true happiness amid the greatest darkness. – from Auf Christus schauen pp 109-110
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