A friend posted a link on Facebook to "Which Hymns Should We Forget About":
I get many comments accusing me of elevating, even worshiping, the hymn tradition itself. “There are bad hymns, too.”
Of course there are bad hymns.
That being said, I think we traditional worshipers do have a distinct advantage over those which only sing contemporary and commercial music. Much of the dross from the hymn tradition has burned away over the years, leaving us with a higher percentage of good, solid texts that have stood the test of time. ....
When Should We Forget our Favorites?
- They are theologically vapid. ....
- They are poor examples of poetry. ....
- They have become idols. ....
And he provides examples with which you may or may not agree, but he gives reasons. Good hymns, he argues, are:
If a hymn measures up, great. If it doesn’t, shouldn’t we drop it, no matter how much we like it? .... [more]
- Songs with substance
- Songs that clearly tell the Christian story
- Songs that refocus the lenses through which we view God and the world around us
- Songs with words we believe
- Songs that bring the witness of saints from other times and places into our own vocabulary, lest we’re tempted to commit sins of chronological and geographical snobbery
- Songs that make us uncomfortable with our selfishness and apathy
- Songs that turn our eyes to Jesus....
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