From the hymn "Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain," words by John of Damascus (675–749).
Tis the spring of souls today; Christ has burst His prison, And from three days’ sleep in death As a sun hath risen; All the winter of our sins, Long and dark, is flying From His light, to whom we give Laud and praise undying. |
Neither might the gates of death, Nor the tomb’s dark portal, Nor the watchers, nor the seal Hold Thee as a mortal; But today amidst the twelve Thou didst stand, bestowing That Thy peace which evermore Passeth human knowing. |
"Alleluia!" now we cry To our King immortal, Who, triumphant, burst the bars Of the tomb’s dark portal; "Alleluia!" with the Son, God the Father praising, "Alleluia!" yet again To the Spirit raising. |
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