Sunday, June 21, 2020


Watched the History Channel's "Grant" again last night. It's available streaming. I highly recommend it. It is historically reliable and very interesting.

This is from Frederick Douglass's eulogy for Grant:
...Ulysses S. Grant, the most illustrious warrior and statesman of modern times, the captain whose invincible sword saved the republic from dismemberment, made liberty the law of the land; a man too broad for prejudice, too humane to despise the humblest, too great to be small at any point. In him the negro found a protector, the Indian a friend, a vanquished foe a brother, an imperiled nation a savior. His heart was as tender as the heart of a woman, unsuspecting as childhood itself, calm and brave as the blue overhanging sky. He was accessible to all men. The black soldier was welcome in his tent, and the freedman in his house. To those who forbade them he said, 'Where I am, they can come.' He was among the first of our generals to see that slavery must perish that the Union might live, and to protect colored soldiers from insult by a military order. To him more than to any other man the negro owes his enfranchisement and the Indian a humane policy. In the matter of the protection of the freedman from violence his moral courage surpassed that of his Party; hence his place at its head was given to timid men, and the country was allowed to drift, instead of stemming the current with stalwart arms. ....
His statue has been toppled by the "woke" and today in Kansas a statue of John Brown was found to have been vandalized.

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