I retired from teaching—mostly high school social studies—in 2005. Today I rediscovered a folder of materials I had accumulated over those 35 years: pictures, evaluations by administrators and students, cards and letters from former students, etc. This was delivered by a colleague on the occasion of my retirement.
Mr. Skaggs is the epitome of grace and gentility. Debonair and comfortable whether wearing proletarian denim or a three piece suit, Mr. Skaggs has earned his legendary status as a member of our excellent, eccentric, and enigmatic faculty: only at Memorial can a Reagan Republican be elected president of a union. His American Experience course rigorously teaches students about the rise of modern dictatorships, the causes of World War II, the terror and intrigue of the Cold War, and, also, about the dissolution of The Band, which celebrated its last concert with a four hour video. A connoisseur of Cuban cigars and single-malt scotch, Skaggs' favorite lunch is two hot dogs, fries, and plenty of ketchup. Mr. Skaggs takes religion seriously. God has posited him in our midst as a role model: if you don't curse, don't lose your temper, if you treat others with respect, and if you get enough kids to pray at the flagpole, you too can grow old without getting fat or going bald.The photo is from an in-service in 2001.
The Last Waltz is still on frequent rotation in my house 20+ years later after Mr. Skaggs introduced me to The Band.