Saturday, January 18, 2025

A personal library

Robert Caro is the author of "titanic biographies of Robert Moses (which took seven years) and Lyndon B. Johnson (a multivolume project that began in 1976 and is still ongoing)." The Washington Post has just published an article about his very extensive personal library. I particularly enjoyed this:
.... Lower [in his bookcase] in much easier reach, sit the Horatio Hornblower novels by C.S. Forester, about the ascent of a British Royal Navy officer during the Napoleonic Wars. The young Caro loved the series so much that, whenever the public library got the latest installment, he would plop down on the building’s metal steps and start reading right there. As a gift, his wife, Ina, who has worked as his researcher on all his books, had Caro’s set rebound in blue, with anchors and naval insignia on the spines.

“I had them all my life,” he said. “It means a lot to have the very pages — because I read these books so many times that I sort of know where the words are on the page. And I’m ashamed to tell you how often I reread them.”

“Oh dear,” he said, his eyes falling on a different stamp, on the top edge of one volume: the faded words “East Meadow Public Library.” “Well, that’s quite true, I was not always good at returning these books. This is going to look really bad! It’s too late.” ....

“Sometimes you look at these bookshelves,” Caro said, “and I have all these memories, all wrapped up in them.” .... (more)
The book cover illustrated above is of one of the Hornblower books in my library.

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