Friday, October 13, 2006

"Women in Ministry: Biblical examples"

Via Intellectuelle, the Jesus Creed blog takes up the topic of women in the ministry. It begins:
"RT France’s last chp in Women in the Ministry of the Church deals with women who are examples of ministry in the Bible. It begins with the Old Testament: Miriam (Ex 15:20), Deborah (Judg 4:4-5), Huldah (2 Ki 22:12-20), Noadiah (Neh 6:14), along with others (Ezek 13:17ff; Joel 2:28-32), and the wise women (2 Sam 14:1-20; 20:16-22).

Then to Jesus. Anna (Lk 2:36-38), women as present (Luke 8:1-3; cf. Mark 3:31-35) and Luke 10:38-42. More could be listed. Then to women in the apostolic church. Priscilla mentioned before Aquila.

Paul: Phil 4:2-3 with Romans 16:1-16 is not without significance. Mary (v. 6), Tryphaena and Tryphosa (v. 12), Persis (v. 12) who “labored” (a word Paul uses to describe his own ministry). Prisca, a “co-worker” — elsewhere used for men; Junia — about whom there is lots of discussion today — is said to be prominent in the opinion of the “apostles” or one of the apostles. If this is a woman, and the evidence is in favor of that, we may have a major ministry being described for a female. France thinks it calls her a prominent missionary-apostle. Phoebe is a “deacon” and is “prominent” (16:1-2)."
There is more, and the comments continue with an interesting discussion.

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