The future, if what is known as multi-culturism prevails? How far should tolerance go?
She worked at the Red Lobster in Times Square and lived with her husband near Yankee Stadium. Yet one night, returning home from her job, Odine D. discovered that African custom, not American law, held sway over her marriage.Source: New York Times: In Secret, Polygamy Follows Africans to N.Y.
A strange woman was sitting in the living room, and Ms. D.’s husband, a security guard born in Ghana, introduced her as his other wife.
Devastated, Ms. D., a Guinean immigrant who insisted that her last name be withheld, said she protested: “I can’t live with the woman in my house — we have only two bedrooms.” Her husband cited Islamic precepts allowing a man to have up to four wives, and told her to get used to it. And she tried to obey. ....
.... Immigration to New York and other American cities has soared from places where polygamy is lawful and widespread, especially from West African countries like Mali, where demographic surveys show that 43 percent of women are in polygamous marriages.
And as we redefine marriage, why not polygamy?
[Note: I have removed a story about Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) because of genuine doubt about its accuracy. See the comment on this post and reports elsewhere.]
I think this is either not true or very highly exaggerated.
ReplyDeleteFor one thing, I saw a video of Yusuf receiving the Echo award. His wife was not veiled. She had a headscarf on, but that is NOT veiled. Her face was showing - NOT covered by a veil. I have seen photos of her at many occasions and she has never had her face covered. Yusuf’s daughters wear a very minor headcovering with only their hair covered, not their face or neck, and they are very attractive women.
I know of women who have met Yusuf recently, who are not Muslim and did not have their hair covered, and he has been genuinely friendly and shaken their hands, had his photo taken with them, and has carried on a conversation with them. He even asked for their opinions aboout his music! His wife is a very friendly person also.
It is really so sad when articles like this are written with no basis in fact. Saying his wife was veiled is a lie right at the beginning of the article.
When Yusuf got up to go onstage to accept his award, as he walked along he shook many people’s hands, women included.
I just don’t understand why some quarters want to make him look bad all the time. I guess they just don’t like Muslims. What sort of publications is this B.Z. anyway? What is their agenda?
The comments on the site from which the story about Yusuf came do not support the idea that he ignores women [or did so that night]. I will so note on the post.