Will Vaus, the author of The Professor of Narnia: The C.S. Lewis Story , describes how he became interested in C.S. Lewis:
He describes the audience that he anticipates will be interested in the book:...[M]y fourth grade public school teacher read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to our class. After that, I was hooked. I had to read the rest of the Narnia stories. Before that time I wasn't much of a reader, nor had I ever read any fantasy stories. The Narnia books opened up whole new worlds to me - fantasy worlds, and the world of reading in general.
As I got older I gradually read more of Lewis's other works. I didn't come to faith in Christ through reading Lewis, but Lewis kept me in the faith - he helped me to see that Christianity was intellectually credible, at a time when I was having many intellectual questions about ultimate reality.
I kept reading Lewis all through college, seminary, and into adult life. But it wasn't until many years later that I read any biography about Lewis. And then a few years after that I would say I became more of a student of his life and works and started writing about Lewis for myself. It has been a gradual life long process.
I read this book aloud to my three boys as I was writing it. It is written at a middle school reading level. So I think people from middle school age on up will find something of interest in it. As I have mentioned already, it is written for those who have already read the Narnia stories who want to learn more about the author without having to read a longer, more technical and scholarly biography. I think many adults will enjoy the book as well. Though as I wrote the book I was writing it as though directly speaking to middle schoolers. .... (more)Another of those books I will buy. Read it, but read Lewis first.
A Reasonable Imagination: The Professor of Narnia: The C.S. Lewis Story
Thanks Jim for getting the word out about my new book. The adults who have read it so far have told me they think Professor of Narnia is a good, simple introduction to Lewis's life for adults. And there are young people in elementary school reading it as well. So I think the appeal will be broad.
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Glad to help. Hope the three or four who read my blog will find the book interesting.
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