Saturday, March 14, 2009

How "Progressive" are you?

Those who used to be called "Liberals" now pretty much avoid the term. Instead, they are "Progressives" — although of a sort with whom Teddy Roosevelt probably wouldn't have identified. If "Fighting Bob" LaFollette were alive today, he might find them compatible. The Center for American Progress offers an "Interactive Quiz: How Progressive Are You?" My score was rather low — even though I have always been in favor of progress. [Friends and acquaintances will not be shocked.]Take it and see where you fall.


  1. Wow. I scored 81.

    Of coure, I'm feeling somewhat surly today.

  2. I scored 157. That makes me officially more conservative than I thought, though I readily admit I'm becoming more conservative as I move along. I understand how surveys like these are generated, but I felt at several junctures like the question was asking the wrong thing and the real issue wasn't on the scale that was being measured.

  3. Nick, I feel much better about you. :) The survey was generated by liberals - so your discomfort about the questions may mean that you are even more conservative than your results indicate!


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