Miss California gave the politically incorrect answer to a question about "gay marriage," although it was the answer a majority of voters in her state apparently affirm, and the result is a campaign of personal destruction, joined in by some Christians. Jared Wilson comments:
This poor girl was an immodest fool to allow nude (semi-nude?) photos taken of herself. Perhaps she is an immodest fool today, I don't know. ....There are those who think Christians are intolerant.
But make no mistake: the outright "she must be destroyed" campaign about her parents' bitter divorce — who's business is THAT?! for goodness' sake — about the photos, about where she goes to church and how awful the place is, or whatever else can be dug up is all about her response to the question about "gay marriage." If she'd said it was cool and the gang, or if they'd asked her another question (about, say, global warming or something), the landslide of personal destruction would not have been uncapped.
Kudos, Christians joining in the smears. Your true colors are showing.
My friend Ray Ortlund writes with much less vituperation:So a few years ago she did something wrong. A world of love would say, "Let's bury this and give her her life back. She can still have a great future. God bless her." But the actual world we live in, this merciless world, says, "Let's embarrass her and shame her and destroy her."
Thank God for God the merciful. All who, like her, like me, need mercy, should stand together with defiant trust in him. He will have the final word, a very happy word.
Greg Gutfield comments:
Mel Gibson’s getting flack for having sex with a woman who was not his wife - something that never happens in Hollywood - but made newsworthy because he’s a hardcore Catholic. Meanwhile, Carrie Prejean continues to be crucified - for she’s a Christian who posed topless to get a job. And of course, there’s Bristol Palin, unwed and baby in tow, talking abstinence. ....The Gospel-Driven Church: Blessed Are Those Who Are Kicked While They're Down, Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Daily Gut: Standards
Yeah, we get it: these Christians are all hypocrites, and you’re not.
But those who point this out so predictably foolishly think the argument ends there, as if a flawed person is somehow proof that the critic’s own moral beliefs - or lack thereof - are superior. But I've said this before: to be a hypocrite you need standards. Without standards, you cannot fail to reach them. And being imperfect beings, we are all destined to fail. The fact that we actually keep trying is what makes us human. And interesting.
It’s not that I support hypocrisy. There are folks who are hypocrites from day one - dirtbags who never had standards to violate (you can find them on any reality show). But the media prefers to focus on the failure of people who try, but fail - as though it’s better just to admit you’re scum, and then revel in it.
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