Monday, December 13, 2010


J. Mark Bertrand, writer, novelist, and connoisseur of the printed and bound Bible, points us toward someone who has Wordled all of the books of the Bible:
Brad Thomas plugged the text of the NIV into to study word frequency in the various books of the Bible. The more common the word, the larger it appears in the resulting word cloud. And in addition to being informative, these clouds have an aesthetic quality to them, so he decided to make them available in both book and poster form. There's also a video showing each of the 66 word clouds making up the Bible:
For more info about the project, including how to order books and posters, check out Sixty-Six Clouds: Visualizing Word Frequency in the Bible.
Now, if he'd only do it using the ESV...

Bible Design and Binding

1 comment:

  1. Really excellent project. i wish we had a wall large enough to show all 66 next to each other. The trend of the major words is part of the over all story and it would be excellent to have a long hallway to hang these up in.


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