"... Today I want to note a few salient points that make The Nativity Story such a fine movie.His full review elaborates on each of the points above.
My Recommendations First of all, be sure to see this movie! ...But, second, don't only see the film, get others to see it! If you're a pastor, let your church know about this movie. If you're a youth leader, tell your kids. ...There is nothing "preachy" about this film, nothing that would offend a non-believer...." (the entire review)
- The movie is faithful to the biblical accounts of Jesus's birth....
- The movie provides a creative, compelling, and historically-sensible picture of life suggested by but not specifically mentioned in Scripture...
- The movie doesn't offer up too much religious schmaltz....
- The Nativity Story dramatizes aspects of the Christmas story that I had not before considered....
- The Nativity Story does not turn its major characters into glow-in-the dark, other-worldly superman and superwoman....
- The Nativity Story includes some stunning scenery and wonderful music....
11/28 Albert Mohler has seen the film and also approves.
Thanks for posting this. It just reinforces my wanting to go see the movie when it is released in the theaters. I'm glad to hear that the impression I received from the previews wasn't far off base.