There are Christians who oppose the celebration of Christmas because they consider it pagan in origin. Far more Christians are worried that Christmas has less and less to do with Christ. The Nazis would have been happy about that. They wanted to remove Christianity from it altogether. There are those in America today who would prefer the Nazi approach.
"How Hitler's Nazi propaganda machine tried to take Christ out of Christmas":
Nazi Germany celebrated Christmas without Christ with the help of swastika tree baubles, 'Germanic' cookies and a host of manufactured traditions, a new exhibition has shown.
The way the celebration was gradually taken over and exploited for propaganda purposes by Hitler's Nazis is detailed in a new exhibition. ....
"Christmas was a provocation for the Nazis — after all, the baby Jesus was a Jewish child," Judith Breuer told the German newspaper Spiegel. "The most important celebration in the year didn't fit with their racist beliefs so they had to react, by trying to make it less Christian."
The exhibition includes swastika-shaped cookie-cutters and Christmas tree baubles shaped like Iron Cross medals.
The Nazis attempted to persuade housewives to bake cookies in the shape of swastikas, and they replaced the Christian figure of Saint Nicholas, who traditionally brings German children treats on December 6, with the Norse god Odin. ....
Surprisingly, German churches put up little opposition to the Nazification of Christmas. "You would have expected them to protest loudly and insist that it was a Christian festival," said Breuer. "But instead they largely kept quiet, out of fear." .... [more]
How Hitler's Nazi propaganda machine tried to take Christ out of Christmas | Mail Online
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