The GULAG was the Soviet network of slave labor camps and exile communities created by Lenin, expanded by Stalin, elements of which continued until the demise of the USSR. Here is a website that documents one aspect and period of its history — the experience of those "resettled" from eastern Europe to Siberia during the years of the Second World War and its immediate aftermath.
Related: Hollywood discovers the GULAG, Millions of dead, Lenin's great achievement
Homepage | Mémoires européennes DU GOULAG
From 1939 to 1953, nearly one million people were deported to the Gulag from the European territories annexed by the USSR at the start of the Second World War and those that came under Soviet influence after the War: some to work camps but most as forced settlers in villages in Siberia and Central Asia.
An international team of researchers has collected 160 statements from former deportees, photographs of their lives, documents from private and public archives and films. .... [the site]
Homepage | Mémoires européennes DU GOULAG
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