In a post he titles "'Success' Is a Hollow Goal," Matt Chandler discourages pastors from using the culture's standards for "success." Illustrating the point:
Here are a few men who loved our great God and King and were obedient beyond the norm:"Success" Is a Hollow Goal | The Resurgence"Success" Is a Hollow Goal | The Resurgence
- Moses spends his whole life with grumbling whiners and dies without getting to walk into the promised land.
- Samson suicide bombs the Philistines, and when the dust settles, he is dead and the Philistines still rule over Israel.
- One of David's sons rapes his sister and another leads a rebellion against him, dethroning him for a season.
- Jeremiah ends up in exile with the rest of the country after repeatedly getting beaten for preaching what God commanded him to preach.
- John the Baptizer is beheaded by a pervert who gives his head to a 15-year-old stripper.
- Peter is killed, reportedly crucified upside down.
- Paul is killed in Rome but only after he spends his life (with thorn intact) being beaten, rejected, lost at sea, and consistently dealing with people coming in behind him and destroying what he built.
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