Rod Dreher passes along some thoughts about "The Politics Of Frodo Baggins":
The Politics Of Frodo Baggins | The American Conservative
.... It is much easier to change the world around us for the worse than it is to change the world within us for the better, and until the world within us is better the world around us will be in bad shape. Because of this, politics is often a terrible way to fix things and often a great way to destroy things, because we ourselves do not truly understand what is good. Tending the ‘inner’ garden, attending to our church, our children, our communities, etc teaches us what is good. When the inner world is transformed the outer world will follow suit. An empire can overcome any political movement, but it cannot overcome even a single saint, and so the greater power to change the world lies within us. .... [more]I have always been fascinated by politics. I used to tell students that C-SPAN was my favorite channel and election night was my Super Bowl. I believe that we have the responsibility to live out our faith in every aspect of life, including our duty as citizens in a democracy, but I do acknowledge the wisdom of keeping things in perspective. In politics there are no final victories and no final defeats and things do go on.
The Politics Of Frodo Baggins | The American Conservative
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