CrimeReads is "Counting Down the Greatest Crime Films of All-Time" and their choice for #102 is a Hitchcock film I re-watch often, Foreign Correspondent (1940), a great combination of suspense and humor. From CrimeReads:
At the beginning of 1939, John Jones, an American newspaper reporter, is sent to Europe under the name Huntley Haverstock. His mission is to learn more about the possibility of war, mainly by interviewing Van Meer, a Dutch diplomat who has committed to memory a key secret element in the Allied Peace Treaty. Jones meets Stephen Fisher, a member of the British upper class who is the head of a pacifist organization, and his daughter Carol, with whom Jones quietly falls in love. ....
Why Johnny Jones?:
Mr. Powers, the editor of the New York Morning Globe, is disgusted with his foreign correspondents for failing to send any hard news to the paper and decides that he wants a real reporter to go to Europe, selecting the charming if slightly dim Johnny Jones, who admits that he knows nothing about Europe or any crisis. “What Europe needs,” Powers exclaims, “is a fresh, unused mind.”
Counting Down the Greatest Crime Films of All-Time: #102 | CrimeReads
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