In his column today, Albert Mohler responds to an article in USA Today:
Is Christianity in America losing its credibility? Oliver "Buzz" Thomas obviously thinks so. In his view, Christianity is losing credibility because so many Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin.After responding to the substance of Mr Thomas's arguments, Mohler goes on to note:
Readers familiar with the recent history of the Southern Baptist Convention will recognize that Buzz Thomas was for many years counsel and staff member of the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs (now known as the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty), a group defunded over a decade ago by the Southern Baptist Convention, which formally disassociated itself from the BJCPA. Anyone wondering why the conservative resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention was necessary should find ample evidence in Buzz Thomas's article.Source: The Credibility Question
The Seventh Day Baptist General Conference is still a member of the BJC.
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