Some have wondered who, apart from the Baptist Joint Committee, will defend the "free exercise" of religion. A pastor sends me a news item about a situation involving another group:
Source: Ministry denied access to public square (
Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) has filed a lawsuit on behalf of "Care and Share," a Newark, New Jersey-based Christian ministry, against the village of South Orange. The village is being sued over allegedly refusing to allow the faith-based group use of a public square that is available to non-religious community groups, public and private.
According to the plaintiff's attorney, Alliance Defense Fund's Demetrios Stratis, Care and Share wanted to hold a public event at the square that included skits, puppet shows and live music, but the request was denied. An e-mail message, reportedly from a government administrative assistant, confirmed last June that religious groups would not be approved. Stratis says South Orange officials allegedly denied the Christian group access because only private or public non-religious groups were allowed....
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