The President of General Conference this year is Ruth Burdick. [In the SDB structure, the President serves on the denomination's council which acts for the conference between sessions, and also presides over the annual conference business meetings and plans the worship and other activities of the week.] President Burdick is a member of the Seattle Seventh Day Baptist Church [and wife of its pastor].

The theme Ruth chose for the week's worship and study is "Tell the Truth...the Whole Truth." The last Sabbath Recorder provided information about how the morning Bible studies and evening worship speakers will address aspects of that theme: God's Word, God's sovereignty, Christ's divinity, the role of the Holy Spirit, and our responsibility to reach the lost.

The sessions are open [although voting is not], so if you are curious about Seventh Day Baptists, and can be in the Pacific Northwest during that week, this might be good opportunity to learn who we are and what we're like.
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