At Christianity Today Mark Dever explains five things that evangelism isn't. One of the things it isn't is imposing your views on others:
Probably the most common objection to evangelism today is, "Isn't it wrong to impose our beliefs on others?"What Evangelism Isn't | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction
Some people don't practice evangelism because they feel they are imposing on others. And the way evangelism is often done, I can understand the confusion! But when you understand what the Bible presents as evangelism, it's really not a matter of imposing your beliefs.
It's important to understand that the message you are sharing is not merely an opinion but a fact. That's why sharing the gospel can't be called an imposition, any more than a pilot can impose his belief on all his passengers that the runway is here and not there.
Additionally, the truths of the gospel are not yours, in the sense that they uniquely pertain to you or your perspective or experience, or in the sense that you came up with them. When you evangelize, you are not merely saying, "This is how I like to think of God," or "This is how I see it." You're presenting the Christian gospel. You didn't invent it, and you have no authority to alter it. [more]
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