Sunday, September 16, 2007


PBS provides an extended preview of The War, Ken Burns new series about World War II and how it was experienced by Americans. The series begins on PBS one week from today, September 23. Ken Burns says his intention is to tell people what war is like, through the direct experiences of those who were in it. Burns:
The War is a kind of bottom-up, experiential look at the Second World War told not from the familiar perspectives of celebrity generals or politicians or an overweening interest in strategy or tactics or the distraction of weaponry and guns but from so-called ordinary people. There are no experts in the film. If you weren't in the war or waiting anxiously for someone to come back, you're not in our film. ....

We're losing 1,000 [World War II] veterans a day in this country, our kids think we fought with the Germans against the Russians, it's horrible, and I couldn't abide. I'm in the memory business, and each time a person dies, it's a whole library of memories that leave. .... The War, US News: The War

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