Michael Spencer at internetmonk reviews For Us and for Our Salvation: The Doctrine of Christ in the Early Church by Stephen Nichols. It is a history of the controversies in the early Church about the nature of Christ:
He majors on the Nicaean and Chalcedonean controversies, with alternating chapters giving primary sources for those discussions. In a time when more evangelicals are open to understanding and learning from the early church fathers than ever before, Nichols makes the personalities, issues and dramatic contentions come to life.internetmonk.com » Blog Archive » Recommendation and Review: For Us And Our Salvation by Stephen Nichols.
Nichols also presents helpful appendices on the Biblical sources for a doctrine of Christ and an introduction to reading the Church Fathers. All counted, the support material in this book is exceptional. ....
No single aspect of the Christian faith is more contentious and controversial today than the identity of Jesus. Claims that a politically backed majority invented and forced a divine Christ upon history are still common. Nichols’ book calmly and competently tells the truth, shows the arguments of every side and demonstrates why the truths of the Bible won out in the orthodox faith of the church.
A fine book for anyone interested in early church history or the question “Who do you say that I am?”
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