This issue also announces that next year Conference will be held

It is hungry people who are fed. It is hungry people who grow. It is a hungry people who seek and mature, and develop and multiply.Also in the Recorder, are memory verses related to the theme for each month of the coming year (beginning in October).
When fruit is not being borne and multiplication is not taking place, growth doesn’t happen. The natural result is death.
So, if we are not hungry enough to seek God so we can be fed by Him—not only to stay alive, but to thrive—maybe we are slowly on our way to the “place of the dead.”
I believe our limitless God has asked me to invite Seventh Day Baptists to become a hungry people. Hence our new Conference theme, “A Limitless God for a Hungry People.”
My desire is that next year's Conference becomes a collision between a limitless God and a hungry people. May that collision take place in all our churches throughout the year and beyond.
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