Monday, August 20, 2007


On the other hand, Ross Douthat is encouraged by advance reviews for some of the films coming this fall.
...I certainly wouldn't object to a larger revival of the Hollywood Western. It isn't my favorite genre by any means, but given that we've probably hit a creative wall - for a while, at least - where mob movies are concerned, Hollywood needs to find some mythic American stories that don't involve kryptonite or the Batmobile, and the Western is an obvious place to go looking for material.
And Gene Edward Veith just watched an older western, Pale Rider: which Clint Eastwood plays a gun-slinging preacher, who - in the primal Western plot - defends the peaceful settlers against the corrupt big landowner whose minions are trying to run them out. This man of the cloth is more law than gospel, but he comes off as a fascinating, complex, formidable character.
Ross Douthat (August 20, 2007) - The Way West (Movies), Cranach: Movie preachers

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Western's are one of my favorite times of relaxing. Personal Favorites include
    Magnificent 7
    Guns for Sister Sarah
    Fist Full of Dollars
    Pale Rider


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