When I was a teacher my voicemail message provided my e-mail address. My answering machine at home informs people that I seldom answer and that they shouldn't leave a message unless reasonably confidant that I will respond. I am very much in agreement with Matthew Yglesias about voice mail:
If you leave a message on my cell phone, I might get back to you one of these days. If you leave a message on my office voicemail, forget about it. I’m not even entirely sure I know how to check it. Definitely the whole time I was employed at The Atlantic I never once returned a voicemail. I figure that anyone who’s really eager to get in touch with me will email me. In general, I’m not a fan of talking on the phone, but listening to recorded messages of other people talking to me on the phone is absolutely the worst.Matthew Yglesias » The End of Voice Mail
I agree completely. I understand when I supported email that they needed to get a hold of me, in case email went out.
ReplyDeleteBut now, they can impart so much more information via email than voice mail, that I would really that used that instead.
Also, voice mail pretty much has to be handled chronologically. You can't scan and prioritized if you have several messages.
But I can't stand the blinking light on my phone and it is expected of me. So I do check my voice mail. And usually respond via email. 8-{)>