Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Michael Spenser is frustrated that the Lutheran tradition isn't more familiar to Evangelicals:
.... With the dominance of the reformed camp in the Christian blogosphere and much of conservative evangelicalism's public voice, there has never been a time the Gospel-centric, church-formed-around-the-Gospel/Sacraments, focused, classical, catholic, reformational, law and Gospel voice of Lutheranism was needed more.

The imbalances of the current versions of resurgent Calvinism are more and more obvious all the time. The beating heart of our life and message is Jesus and justification, not sovereignty and election. It is the free offer to all, not the efficient offer to the elect, that needs to be clearly heard now. It is all of scripture as law and Gospel that needs to be filling the church. Reformed Baptists are ascending at just the time that Lutheranism’s view of the Christian life is most needed. If you do not know the difference, then make that a project. .... [more]

Some Thoughts on Lutheranism and Evangelicalism + A Brief Review of the Lutheran Study Bible |

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