An announcement that a mailing containing materials about the "vote by churches" at Conference next year will soon be in the hands of Seventh Day Baptist churches:
A packet of information pertaining to the Conference vote regarding SDB membership with the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty was sent out to each church as ‘Certified mail, Return Receipt Requested.’ This underscores the importance of this matter.Link to Seventh Day Baptist website
The cover letter explains the vote-by-church procedure. The packet then contains a brief summary of the BJC “hot button issues”; solicited letters from SDBs on both sides of the question (to withdraw or remain); the “Resolution of Recognition, Encouragement and Hope” from the BJC, recognizing the longstanding relationship between them and SDBs; several comments from the “One Eternal Day” blog; and comments from our current SDB representative to the BJC Board.
Many churches plan to discuss this at their annual meetings. Please read the material and be informed.
I really hope we can take up this matter at our January business meeting instead of having to wait until July. We will see. I certaintly do hope to be a delegate at 2007s conference.