In the year 1560 a group of English scholars who had fled to Geneva during the reign of Queen Mary I ("Bloody Mary"), set about the task of translating the Bible. This version, known at the Geneva Bible or "Breeches" because of the peculiar choice in rendering of Genesis 3:7 ["Then the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig tree leaves together, and made themselves breeches."], quickly became one of the most popular translations of the era. Brought to America on the Mayflower, this version was found in almost every Puritan household. It was the Bible read by William Shakespeare, John Donne, and John Bunyan.
Copies of the 1560-1665 editions are rare, but makes it possible to own individual pages of these historic texts. The pages are available framed, mounted, or preserved in a transparent acid-free archival sleeve. ...
It looks like a nice gift. In order to mollify those who are horrified at the idea of such a book being destroyed for commerce, the vender explains where these pages originated. They also offer pages from early printings of the King James Version.
Source: the evangelical outpost: In Review: Geneva Bible Pages
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