At Together for the Gospel, a group blog where Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, C.J. Mahaney and Albert Mohler are the participants, Ligon Duncan initiates a discussion about the biblical faithfulness of evangelical churches. The discussion should be both interesting and challenging.
All four of us long to see churches that are faithful to the following: biblical expository preaching, biblical worship (both in all of life and in gathered praise), biblical doctrine, a biblical pursuit of godliness, a biblical approach to family life, a biblical understanding of the Gospel, a biblical understanding of conversion, a biblical understanding of evangelism, a biblical understanding of discipleship, a biblical understanding of church membership, a biblical understanding of church leadership, and a biblical view of how the church relates to the world. We are agreed, in the main, as to what this ought to look like. But what in our context militates against these things?Source: Together for the Gospel
Here's my question: what are the key factors afoot in the culture and in the evangelical churches that compromise the churches' faithfulness in the practice of these things? ... [more]
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